Vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals (seen mainly in plants and fruits) run the metabolic machinery of our bodies. You can eat or drink unlimited quantities of them daily—because they have no calories.
It is their interaction--their rainbow, their symphony, and mosaic--that lead to good health.
The easiest and most consistent way of getting them it is to have a smoothie every morning.
I have one every day and it fulfills my nutrient needs. It is nutrients that our body is looking for. Most people are usually eating showy foods without nutrients. They take in a lot of calories, but their nutrient needs are not being met. So they keep on eating, and the result is unhealthy weight gain.
You can get great recipes in Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s EAT to LIVE, Quick and Easy Cook Book.
This is one of Rhonda’s and my favorite recipes:
- Fresh ginger root, a thumb-joint sized peeled
- Fresh turmeric root, a thumb-joint sized peeled
- Three peppercorns
- One scoop of Organic Livfit super food blend with protein (You can get this on Amazon.)
- One half scoop of MacaBoost from Gaia Herbs (Amazon)
- Always use water or hemp milk as your liquid.
Another day you can add one unpeeled pear, one banana, one cup of red grapes, and a handful of walnuts. Green apples sliced up are okay also. Try to make a different smoothie every day.
This is a great start on being healthy. Sometimes, I drink it on the way to work. When your nutrient needs are met, your appetite it goes down. You stay healthier… and feel better.
And you can keep the doctor away, unless it's for a game of pickle ball.
(You can see Dr. Kachmann's Access TV Shows Mondays at 6:30 pm or Wednesdays at 6:00 pm on Comcast channel 57.
You can hear him on the radio at 95.7 WELT on Tuesdays at 12:00 pm.
You can attend one of his monthly evening lectures at the Kachmann Auditorium in Lutheran Hospital (check Facebook for event details).
Or you can visit him after 9:00 am on Fridays at Three Rivers Pharmacy on North Anthony, where he gives free consultations.)